Hooray! My Physics exam is over! And I didn’t get hit by a car. It was thirteen problems, but they only counted eleven, so I could get two wrong and still score 100%. I took a wild guess on one problem. Does anybody know how to find the average density of a fish when you only have its weight in the air (200N), its weight submerged in water (15N) and the density of water (1x103 Kg./m3)? I sure didn’t. I made educated (uh huh, sure, that letter looks cool) guesses on two problems, and I should have had the other ten unless I made an “AAAARRRGGHHHHH >8# (gritting teeth and kicking self) ” mistake on them. So my score could be anywhere between 50% and 100% I think. If I get 100% I’m probably going to pass. If I get 50% I probably won’t. If my professor is working the score for my missed exam the way I think he is, this one is going to be worth the same as my final. But I not going to talk about it any more. It’s over and I did my best, and now I can focus on my powerplants exam coming up next week. What’s another name for an Afterburner? What are the two types of compressor and what is the compression ratio for each stage of an axial compressor? What effect do temperature and air density have on thrust? Those are the easy questions on my review sheet. If you want to know the answer ask Ross.
I’ve got spurs that Jingle Jangle Jingle,
As I go riding merrily along.
And they sing: “Ain’t you glad you’re single.”
And that song ain’t so far from wrong.
Anybody know where I can get a good pair of spurs for not too much?