The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


I got to work 11 hours yesterday!

It's funny that every time I plan for stuff to do in my free time I never get any, but as soon as expect to be busy, I find myself sitting around all afternoon. I was supposed to get off work at 5:30 and come back in at 9 for a meeting, but I was not about to waste two hours of transit in between, so I just brought my copy of Romans 15 to work on in the break room while I waited. But my supervisors let me stay on the clock and keep working all day. Ooo we also got a real tornado warning, so we all had to quit working and stand in the middle of the store (where someone spilled their red popsicle sample, so it looked like a big bloody spot).

After the meeting my manager let me take a bag of doughnuts home! (they sat in front of us the whole time and nobody ate any) I ran a bit slower and even walked a couple parts (the hill at the bottom of Rose stopped me again) I mostly blame the two doughtnuts and the pb sandwich I ate in the first quarter mile and the three pounds of food I was carrying. But it was really my lack of discipline and endurance that slowed me up. Hmm it seems to be time to head out to work again... I will beat you yet Mr. Hill. Just you wait.

Oh I got another flight on Tuesday! I get to go to Angola. And so I will have enough hours to be done on the 6th of June.


Well I've gone and done it.

I splurged yesterday and bought a new wheel for my road bike. I put it on today, and after I get the tires pumped up it will be in riding condition. This being a good thing leaves me in a dilemma though. I didn't plan on having a bike up here so I didn't bring a lock or helmet with me. The lock I can manage by way of various chains and padlocks around he house. The lack of a helmet however leaves me feeling pretty vulnerable and/or naked. Ahh what to do, what to do... I'm certainty not wasting any money on a new helm while I have a perfectly good one sitting at home. I could keep taking the bus and jogging back, but the chances of missing my bus and being late are pretty high. (Especially considering my past history with them.) And reverting to driving while we are still being extortioned for gas is like letting the terrorists win.... Hmm maybe I could build a big kite and hope the winds are always right for it to fly me to work...... I am kind of on a hill....


Jogging is.. or was going better than planned

If I read my odometer correctly last time I checked it, it was 5 miles from my house to work and I ran it at a six minute per mile pace. I need to check it again because that seems a little fast for just starting out. Of course my legs still feel it a little even today. I should have stretched out better. But alas, with that great start I already have a hitch. I got home from my flight to Fort Wayne and back at about ten this morning only to find Saint Blue gone to his first day at work, and seeing as he is borrowing my house key for the summer and locked the door on his way out (as well he should have done) I find my lack of planning has left me to wander the Streets of West Lafayette all afternoon. I went down to the Library (where I am now) and my lack of planning has not shown up here yet, so I assume he is still out there somewhere. If you see him please tell me. He is about 6'1" and has an absent mind. Meanwhile I will find a good book to read and probably head off to work sometime in the near future. Anyone have some good fiction suggestions?

Ohh as I got no google to find the KingAir picture of the day (our instrument panel looks much cooler with its GPS displays) I found out it was Sir Aurthur Conan Doyle's birthday! I think I will get a book of Sherlock Holmes Mysteries.


jogging in the night

If you ever go to Bloomington don't order steak at their restaurants.... To them medium well is very rare. I hate to think what they would give you if you ordered a rare one. "I'm sorry sir, rare steaks don't come in the 11oz size, we only have 200 pounders." I fly to Fort Wayne on Monday. It looks to be a quick fun trip. I'm so finished driving until gas gets back to a reasonable price. Since I have a student ID I can take the bus to work and then jog back when I get off. Not only will I save money, I can also get in shape for the mini next year!


Bloomington is nice

At least it is nice out away from town at the airport. I just landed and taxied in to Cook Aviation about ten minutes ago. They had a fellow out bowing and expressing his extreme joy and gratitude that we chose to bring our passengers here. He said thank you at least seven times in under a minute. I think I should now read a book or practice my juggling.



was the beginning of my logbook entry for May 17, 2006. It means I flew to Indy and then to Valparaiso and back to Indy and Lafayette again.

We picked up a couple people in Indy and waited around for like five hours at the airport while they went to a commencement. The morning flight was clear and beautiful and the evening one was cool too because we were skirting storms. For a while we were right at the cloud bases and you could look out and see all the clouds for miles and all the spots were it was raining. Very Fun. Tomorrow I get to go to Bloomington. I'm supposed to arrive at 10:57, and then I wait around until 5:15 to leave again. I better take about four books.


Back in the W L A F

Packed up and went back to school and work today. It was pretty boring. Just like this post. Good thing I have some good books to read.
Grace to you all.


Driving Tales

Today was soo busy. Went to a graduation, a wedding a reception and an open house... They were all fun and nice, but I had some interesting events in the car on the way. The first was on the way to the wedding... I was driving along minding my own business when I saw a large bump in the road ahead of me. Well, being the great driver that I am I time it just perfectly and...
pull back on the steering wheel to jump my car over it.
doh.. After I realized that I wasn't on my bike I became grateful that I didn't rip my wheel off.

Then after the open house I saw a full semi truck and trailer do a U turn on 38th street where it is only two lanes each way!!! And he didn't knock over the light pole. If I had a convertible I would have given him a standing ovation.



I got to fly this sweet baby from Lafayette to Kokomo and back on Wednesday. It is a Be-20/G KingAir. It's twin jet powered four bladed props give it incredible performance which makes it the plane of choice for many drug lords and gun runners. Was I flying six drug lords to Kokomo? Possibly. They looked like Purdue dignitaries to me, but you never can tell. I got to work the radios on the trip over. I messed up twice but it wasn't anything bad fortunately. Then after a great dinner at Chilli's I got to fly the controls back to Lafayette. It was my first time to fly in real instrument weather and my first time flying with more than three people on board. I plunked it in a little hard at Lafayette, but I couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear. It was sooo much fun. I fly next on Wednesday and in the meantime I wait for good weather so I can fly Dad on an air tour of Indy. Anybody else want to go?


I get to go home today!!!

Just finished a sweet bike ride with Patrick. I ought to take him with me all the time, cause we stopped by Sam's and I picked up my bigget check of the school year. I also paid $31.78 for a polo shirt for my class next week. wow. I ought to ask Aunt Cindi how much of a killing they made off of me. Probably like 800%. Too bad I couldn't have her do it for me.

Person X is at it again

INTRODUCTION: Welcome back to Part 3 in our # part series “The History of the RPCNA”. Last time if you recall, we went from the legal changes that supported Presbyterianism to King James’ work in Scotland to restore Prelacy. This installment chronicles the defeat of Prelacy in Scotland, tells of the first raising of a banner bearing “For Christ’s Crown and Covenant”, and finishes at the start of the English Civil War. SOLI DEO GLORIA.

James I, the VI of Scotland, continued to seek to institute a prelatic form of church government in Scotland. In 1610, a heavily bribed and royally pressured General Assembly met. They approved the power of the king to call and end assemblies, and they gave most of the power back to bishops that they had lost during the reforming of the Scottish Church.
The repeal of Reformation changes continued in 1618 with the Five Articles of Perth. The General Assembly met at the place and time appointed by the king, and supporters of Prelacy controlled the meeting from the beginning. They succeeded in passing the Five Articles of Perth, which restored kneeling to receive the Lord’s Supper, private Communion, private baptism, the training of young people and their being blessed by bishops, and lastly the observance of Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, and other holy days.
In 1625, James died and his son became Charles I. Charles sought to expand the changes started by his father. In 1636, the Scottish bishops published the “Book of Canons” which, among other things, forbade disapproving of the king’s supremacy in the Church, proclaimed Prelacy as the true form of church government, and prohibited private church meetings and extemporaneous prayer.
Scottish bishops also desired a liturgy, which they published in 1637 under the title, “The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and other Parts of divine Service for the use of the Church of Scotland”. The book was one of the most flagrant returns to Catholicism since the start of the Reformation in Scotland. The book included the use of altars in sanctuaries, portions of the Apocrypha, and a calendar with the days of many Catholic saints. The bishops required each Scottish church to buy two copies.
However, the Prayer Book proved to be too much for the Protestants of Scotland. On July 23rd, 1637, the book was first read in Edinburgh at St. Giles Cathedral. As the speaker read, a woman stood up and threw the stool she was sitting on at the reader, reportedly saying, “Villain, dost thou say mass at my lug?” Others in the congregation began to throw their Bibles and stools at the speaker until he escaped from the building. Two months later, many ministers and noblemen assembled in Edinburgh to protest the Prayer Book.
The Privy Council of Scotland, a body that advised the king, was set to meet in November of 1637. Large numbers of Presbyterians came to Edinburgh at this time to protest the Prayer Book, and to dissipate the crowd, the Privy Council accepted a delegation of ministers, burgesses, nobility and gentry which were called the “Four Tables”. The “Four Tables” complained about the bishops, the Book of Canons and the Prayer Book, but King Charles I only cracked down more on any kind of Presbyterian activity.
Many in Scotland had believed that the king did not understand their position because he was in London; however his actions made it clear what he supported. Because of the continued destruction of Presbyterianism in Scotland, Presbyterian ministers drafted the National Covenant of 1638, which contained the Covenant of 1580-1581, a section on why Presbyterianism was lawful due to the acts of Parliament, and a practical section on what should be done to fix the Scottish Church. People from all over Scotland swore to the National Covenant in February of 1638.
In November of 1638, the first truly open General Assembly in over 3 decades met against the command of the king and affirmed the Presbyterian changes of 1892 and decried the recent attempts to institute Prelacy. King Charles became alarmed at the Scottish support for the covenant, and took army north to Scotland. The Scottish prepared to defend themselves and they raised an army under the command of General Alexander Leslie. The banner that this army flew said “For Christ’s Crown and Covenant”. Seeing the resolve of the Scots, Charles procured a treaty with them that allowed for a Parliament and General Assembly to meet the following year. When these bodies met, Prelacy was soundly defeated in ecclesiastical and civil legislation. Presbyterianism was restored, and soon English Puritans would rise against this same king.

I hope you enjoy this second installment of the series. If you have questions or want clarifications, just comment them.


!!!0 days!!!

Andrew has left for the summer. I have 2 hours and 45 minutes till my final test. Aside from a chart I need to memorize, I'm pretty much all studied up for it. And sitting outside studying would be pointless anyway, cause the sun is hiding behind the clouds so I can't even get rid of my farmers tan.


..1 day...

...1 exam...
...1 king of fools...
Titus 1:16
They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.

O Lord, when will I be free of my sins?


...2 days...

Just out of final #1. I think I did alright. No idea on what my grade will be though. Next exam in 57.5 hours. I need to get an 85 on it to keep an A. Off to work and study.