The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


long day

So I woke up at two this morning and every 45 minutes after that until I got up at seven and got ready to go to the doctor. On the way Jefferson High School Raido was having country music trivia for their morning show (interrupted to play Eve of Destruction within 5 seconds of the request because Jeff 92 is your McDonalds of radio) anyway, the contestants were as clueless as I was, so the winner got four out of ten right. It was pretty funny. Then I hobbled into the doc's and signed a bunch of papers (I think one of them said somehing about donating my by to science) before they called me back. Dr. Page (who is an excellant doctor) unwrapped me and ran me through several foot contortions. I was like "WOW" when I first saw my foot. It was several different interesting colors and had two huge gashes with about ten staples on each side. The doctor decided to remove my staples which was alittle lower than having teeth pulled on the fun scale. Then he showed me my x-rays. Now THAT was interesting. I broke the tips off of both leg bones, so I had two screws (about 3" tapcon style) on the inside and six screws and a plate on the outside. then I went and got a parking pass and went to all my classes and just got home. The pass cost $15.00 which should be construed as extortion, especially since I have to crutch across Northwestern to get to the Physics building. Oh I got a hard cast on before I left the doctor. Try and guess what color it is. Ross and anybody that would not be guessing can't play. I was so glad to get home and put my foot up today, becaus eI didn't have time to take a pain pill in the morning and it was starting to swell.


At 7:54 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 9:38 p.m., Blogger Brian said...


At 1:26 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 10:25 a.m., Blogger Katrina said...

I'm gonna say "Bright Green"!

At 9:44 p.m., Blogger cutiger95 said...

Defibrillators are an important thing for the medical industry. Having one that is a personal Defibrillator is even more important than usual if you have a loved one that suffers from a known heart condition Defibrillators can be a true life saving thing to have around.usrufk


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