Happy Birthday!
Today is the 90th post birthday of my blog!! Yay! And Saturday was my flight instrustor's 21st birthday. Man, they are popping up all over the place. This morning I did another x-c to KVPZ (any guesses?) (Dad, don't give it away. Or Ross) I soaked 2.2 hours out of a 2 hour slot because I took off a little early. So now I only have 5.2 hours left to do. Oh Yeah! Another birthday. I have now been a solo pilot for one year!!! (I did my very first solo flight on September 29th in the year of our Lord 2003.) And just to make the day even more interesting I bid 99 (pennies) on ebay for a pair of speakers that matches my current set. And I won! Oh. And Nicole had her 12th birthday today too. (13th in Japan) We had a great party for her. Cake and Ice Cream and presents. There was this huge box that was about four feet long and two feet wide and three feet tall. But Nicole never showed up, so we had to party without her. Oh well, maybe next year. I guess I can save the present until then too.
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