The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.



I just calculated that I can eat two burritos and drink a pint of milk for $1.00! So if I do that for every meal, I will be able to eat well AND cheaply! Or I could even take it down to just one cup of milk per meal to save an extra 45 cents a day. That works out to 13.5 dollars a month~ I could go to a movie or something! I think I hit all my food groups so no worries there~ beef/meats, beans/veggies&fruits, burrito/grains, milk/dairy, grease/oils! If I get tired of this routine I can switch to burritos for breakfast, ramen for lunch and mac'n'cheese for dinner. I think all three of those will keep me inside my dollar-a-meal limit. Of course when I go on overnights I have to spend two and a half days worth of budget just to get a burger, so I don't think my numbers will look as peachy as I want at the end of the month.

I went to Evansville yesterday (#95!) and I get to do a short overnight to Allentown PA tonight. I hope the skies clear up so I can see fireworks across America.


At 1:17 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Josh- your meal plan just won't pass nutritional standards. Beans are protein and counted in the meat group. Nutritionists now say we need 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, so you need a lot more there. It depends on the brand of burrito to see if you actually are getting enough protein-it might just be mostly fillers with little value. So even though it will cost you, throw in a bunch of fresh fruit and veggies- your body will thank you for it.

At 9:40 p.m., Blogger Joshua said...

Hello California person. My agents are tracking you down now. Don't worry about my fruits and veggies because I have a plan for them. Whenever I go to a hotel that has a free breakfast in the morning I grab a yogurt with a picture of fruit on it to go with my three donuts! If I'm fast I can even get a donut with cherry or lemon filling~ FRUIT EVERYWHERE!!! Hope you enjoy the service that sbc gives you on your Microsoft XP.

P.S. I also eat fruit flavored popsicles.

At 4:18 p.m., Blogger Penjammin said...

Yeah and who needs vitamins when you have popsickles?! :) Good luck with that diet. I consider myslef pretty frugle at < 2 dollars a meal. *sigh* guess I got some work to do.


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