I went to the PCUSA church down the road from me this morning. I was late cause I misread the time on the bulletin. :( It looks like a church where everybody knows you, you are welcomed into some great fellowship, but until then good luck trying to get in. I need to email the pastor to see what side of the denomination this church is on. I was looking forward to going to my other church this afternoon, but crew scheduling decided to send me to Columbus instead. :(
After I got back from Columbus I ate dinner and downloaded a heap of sermons from the best website ever [which is just better than the second best website ever (now featuring a free Pilgrims Progress download!)]. I'm currently listening to a great series by Wayne Rogers on Matthew 5:8. He's got some really great points about my amazing savior. Makes me hate how cynical I am. Oh well, I'll just have to learn how to learn in spite of it.
When to the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs yesterday. It was really nice. Here is a picture from it:
And here is a picture of the spider I killed when I got back. I speared her right next to my P-47 Thunderbolt. Notice how she's bigger than the bomb under the wing. She would have bitten my head off if I hadn't learned how to fight giant spiders from the heroic Samwise Gamgee.
I stunned it by shooting rubber bands at it until it ran to a semi-open area, and then I threw shoes at it. Even though I like how spider eat bugs and even let small ones crawl on me, there was no way I was going to sleep in the same house as that bugger. There was also no possibility of me squashing it with a less than long range weapon~ hence the shoes. Turns out that shoes didn't work so well, cause they only stunned it long enough for me to put a jar over it and toss it in the freezer. I took it out for the photo shoot with the plane, and for the first ten minutes I was afraid that it might thaw out and decide to be still alive~ or even worse: UNDEAD. I think I would rather fly a jet on one engine and no hydraulics than fight a giant undead spider.
And now to conclude my random post with a question:
Do you think it is better to worship God in a way that goes against your understanding of scripture, or not at all? (in a public worship setting)
It's something I've been debating in my head for a long time, cause I go to a lot of cities where I can't find a church that complies completely with my convictions concerning worship, yet if I don't go to one of them I am neglecting the gathering and fellowship of the saints.
Re Question: I guess the question I would ask myself would be, are they doing anything that is contrary to Scripture? In my experience, it is a rare thing to find a church that complies with everything that I believe. So what I look for: are they doing anything contrary to Scripture, and are they preaching the Word? Some things in worship are open to interpretation ... but it's not an issue of salvation, I don't believe. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Go with an attitude to prayer, not pride ....and I've always found that fellowship is great .. and if I don't feel as though I've been fed ... well just listen to some of the sermons from the places that you mentioned....:)
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