The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


Bible Study

I have been sitting around the house all day today, afraid to go out and get injured. Just a few more hours until Bible study. I was all excited because a certain friend aka "Bill" told me he would go with me, but he called me at lunch to tell me that his family takes priority over studying God's Word, so he really couldn't go. (Note to other readers: Bill is really a great guy, and his family was doing something extra-special, so I completely understand and have no hard feelings against him, we just like to harass each other.) (Bill even took me to the hospital after one of my many adventures.) That's it for now. I think I will go sit in my room and pray that a tree doesn't fall on it.


At 12:05 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Bill again... I am really sorry to get your hopes up and want to go with you in the future. I am glad that no more freak accidents befell you (like having a bird accidentally fly into your head and break its neck, or something even worse). My extra special family event was great and really meant a lot to those members who held it. Thanks for not holding a grudge Josh! ;)

At 12:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Josh this is Eric, I am glad no freak accidents befell you today! I think you should sit down and write a post about all the freak accidents that could happen to you... you know, one of those creative brainstorming sessions. Take five to ten minutes and just start writing about freak accidents that COULD happen to you. If nothing else, it would be entertaining!

Here is one to get you started: an elephant bird is carrying an elephant over your house. Just as you are stepping out of your front door the elephant bird accidentally looses its grip and drops the elephant right on you… splat! Wow what a mess!


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