The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


Praise the Lord!

Tonight my manager told me that I was a good worker even with just one usable arm But that is probably because I don't work for him. I work for God, and He has blessed me so much this summer! As I was sitting in the hospital a few days ago, thinking about all MY plans and wondering what God was about to do with them, I decided to just praise Him for what happened to me and wait to see what came next. He has certantly showed me His control and planning in my life. At the end of school I was thinking about going to Africa on a construction mission trip, but God led me to decline the offer because He knew this would happen and wanted another person on the trip who would not be injured three days before departure time. Also, the big old cast on my arm has given me an open door to declare to the world (at least the part that shops at my store) how He had His hand about me and protected me! So, while flying and operating normally may be out for a while, my Father has certantly given me enough to do with the rest of my time.


At 2:53 p.m., Blogger Joel and Stacey said...

Great attitude Josh!

At 12:41 a.m., Blogger Eric S. Filson said...

I certainly agree with Stacey. Praise God for for His mercy and grace! When we view things with the right perspective God will bless us with His peace. I was just thinking... (I know, amazing!) how depressing life would be if we didn't know that God had a plan behind everything that happens to us.

Just recently I watched "God's and Generals" and was impressed by general Jackson's attitude towards life. Men would ask him how he could be so courageous in battle. He would tell them that God had predestined a time for everything... including his death. He knew that God was in control and could sit tall on his horse in the midst of battle while bullets were flying all around him and be confident that God would take him in His perfect timing. He knew he was doing God’s will in leading his men. WOW! If we could only all live or faith like that!


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