The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


Still Fighting

I think part of my problem is due to breathing stale air. Every time I go outside and run around a little (what's this thing I keep hearing about? walking?) I start to feel better, but when I go back in I get worse. Since it's a balmy 40 outside, I'm thinking about opening my windows and cycling all the air in my house. Speaking of the warmth, I'm so happy to have a car with a sun roof! It's a lot of fun to tilt it open, turn up the radio and cruise the curves of 315 around all the drivers who insist on going 5 under in the middle lane. I finish my laundry in the next five-ten minutes and then it's off to Bible study!


At 9:36 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture yesterday!


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