The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


got my hair cut

by a barber. for $20. it looks ok; I guess. he made it so short I may as well have done it myself, but whatever. I'm trying to stay awake for another three hours, but it's difficult because I've gotten up at four the last three days, and my body still doesn't like to go to sleep at eight. (Crashing for a couple hours in the afternoon in NY yesterday didn't help that at all)

Positive me to return on Monday. (or a VERY negative me, depending on how my sim session goes)

Happy weekend y'all!


At 11:31 p.m., Blogger Jessica said...

man. you should have donated those $20 to RP missions to support the Phoenix trip.

At 5:10 p.m., Blogger C. Bright said...

lol, well if it makes you feel any better, I got mine done at a salon too (there's another $18 that RP missions didn't get...) And likewise I was not too happy with fringe shortness either... but all in all what can you say? She did her thing. :P

Hope the positive you is doing good this Monday!


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