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Beautiful Sabbath

Today was very nice and restful. Ross lost his alternator belt on the way to church this morning because his idle wheel froze up. So he had to get that fixed. Went to the annual hymn fest, where most of the churches in Lafayette perform a selection of music from their church. Even though there were a huge representation of Catholic and JWs there was surprisingly little blasphemy sung. I believe it was even the Church of the Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception that had lyrics about being saved by faith. The most outright heretical lyrics came from a Presbyterian church~ Something along the lines of dear mother earth something something something. Then there was another "Jesus the Savior of all" line by the Catholics. I guess it depends on the context of "all." Anyway it was nice to go straight to the evening service and not have to censor music and hear a great sermon about the sovereignty of God.


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