The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.



A ton of people from back home came up to visit Ross and myself this evening. Twas so very nice of them. We toured the park and a small area of the local landscape, and had a fire, and ate a ton of food, and good stuff like that. I'm so tired now I can't even think, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight y'all


At 2:03 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Buttercup show up?

At 2:46 a.m., Blogger Brian said...

Sounds like fun....
How come nobody told me about this? I woulda loved to come! Hope all's going well with ya...

At 9:58 a.m., Blogger Josh said...

No, afraid Buttercup wasn't there either. I don't know Brian, maybe whoever planned it thought you had to work or something. Bounce to MacMan to get signed up for future trips.

At 12:50 p.m., Blogger Brian said... who might that be? maybe someone at church with a Mac.... hehe


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