The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


life and fun

Steep Turns in a 727 are CRAZY! I got to do one on Wednesday. Then yesterday I found that my management prof is truly paranoid about cheating. We had to write a 1-2 page paper on the subject, look up purdue's cheating policy, print it out, vow to abide by it, sign it and turn it in to him, AND THEN he spent 45 minutes talking about it in class! We had time to look at about three slides of actual class material. It's insane. I've got about fifteen hundred numbers to memorize for a 727 quiz next week and an engine out checklist I need to know in two hours, so I'm gone. Have a great weekend!

Oh, did someone IM me yesterday? I accidentally closed it before I could read it. I blame the pop-ups.


At 5:42 p.m., Blogger Joel and Stacey said...

Hey Josh,

I got three spam comments the other day and while I was getting rid of them I found out that blogger has a way to stop them!

Go to the settings tab on the dashboard, then click comments. Go down to where it says "Show word verification for comments?" click yes and republish. I have not had any spam comments since!

Have a great weekend! Love ya!

At 11:35 a.m., Blogger Josh said...

thanks Stace. I'll try that. Have a great weekend!


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