fire and rain
I'm still getting over a bit of sunburn from the airshow. My face was used to the sun from work all summer, so it's not to bad. What is too bad is that the oil pumps in the gulf had to get shut off for a hurricane or something. And gas is skyrocketing like it is lighter than air or something. hmm... So now I will most assuredly be riding my bike everywhere. In the rain. Because the hurricane has reached W. Lafayette. I think I will havemy routene down for this semester in about 15 weeks.
I know its crazy!!! 3.19! thats just stuped! well i havn't looked for that popcorn yet! ugg you say i'm mean! what every! its you pudure guys! man you drive me up the wall! *sigh* ok well i donno how you update so much when you have collage going on? hey you should commeny on my blog some time. actually on the other hand i donno if i want people to know that i know you. so maybe you shouldn't. ok well bye.
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