The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


Fun in black

Now that I got my cast off I get to wear a wonderful but hideous boot. It is big bulky black and ugly. But I love it cause I can take it off and enjoy a shower or just look at the six inch incisions on both sides of my foot. (Two of the most fun things I have done this week due to a certain PHYSICS EXAM looming up on Monday.) Anyway, I can wear most of my pants now, if I take off my boot and just wrap the leg up inside of it, but it looks really bad so I'm thinking about sticking with pants that I can slide over it when I have to go out in public. I was sitting in the waiting room doing what people normally do there- wait -and I saw this guy come in with one of the boots and I thought "That looks a lot uglier than the one Stacey got. I sure hope they don't give me that." But they did. But I can live with it especially if I get to start running again soon. Did I ever mention how much I love running? It's so much fun just going out for an hour or two, getting all sweaty and so sore you can barely move, and still not get anywhere because you just went in a circle. Although I must say it is more fun in Indy where the air dosen't have an oppressive stale old stench to it. Tell you what. On some days, the air up here just isn't fit to be breathed... no... actually it isn't fir for anything. I don't know how to describe it, but it stinks and it's hard to breathe. Yeah, so I told myself this would be short, so I better end now. Goodnight.


At 11:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


The air here isn't always bad. And I'm not always big on the air in Indy. Now, in southwest Monroe county we have really good air. Except if you're one of the people that can detect cows half a mile away. But really, I think everyone just gets used to the air in their home and defines all other air by it. Kind of like a lot of things.

At 12:42 a.m., Blogger Brian said...

How Ironic, I'm the 998th visitor to your page! Thats rather funny. :)

Yes I have to agree, we "judge" everything against what we're used to.

Glad your ankle's doing better!


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