Totally Random Complete
So here's my most recent collection of random stuff.
I almost fell over in church on Sunday. I was standing up on my one good leg while we were singing and I started tipping. I probably didn't get past 15 deg., but I had to grab the pew in front of me really quick to keep from falling on Nick.
If you want to know what Christ suffered on the cross, don't watch The Passion, read Psalm 69. Then consider your most shameful sin, multiply by several thousand and think of that shame being put on the One who had never known sin. I read it yesterday morning and I am still in amazement of the inspiration that David had when writing that one.
I've only got a month before I take my instrument written exam. AAAAUUUUGGGGHHHH!!!
I've got four languages on my cast. (five if you count slang and six if you count art) So cool.
I've been thinking about breaking my leg in May so I can do the Mini on crutches. Maybe Stacey would go with me then.
Is slang a dialect?
What are you doing while you read this post? I'm eating M&M's from Shrek. "Look princess, I don't know about this knight thing. I just want to get my swamp back."
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