The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


Instrument Ground

So after making a weak attempt to re-word my drug-induced babblings and pacify various females on my other blog, (various titanium reinforced, super-plastic-crushing females) I went to my instrument ground class. I got a 101% on my second exam last Thursday, which is really great, but I'm still not safe because exam 3 and my instrument written count for 50% of my grade. I got my song mostly finished while I was burning off my super dose of hydrocodone, but I still need to tweak the chorus a bit. I'll save that for my next dose. I also developed a testimony baised on my seemingly amazing ability to survive life threatening, bone crushing accidents. I might post it on my other blog sometime. I need to go to bed now, since I didn't get to sleep until four this morning. (Or was it last night?)


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