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Grumpy Folks

I had my first truly grouchy customer today. He wanted to pay with a mastercard and absolutely couldn't understand why our store wasn't "with the millenium" and couldn't take mastercard as credit like "any other place in the world" He made it quite obvious to the entire store that he would fork over his "last bit of beepn beepity beep cash very grudgingly, but only because we were so beepity beep beep behind the beepin times" Yeah, pretty interesting. Fortunately I had called my supervisor over before he started into that, so his behavior did not reflect on me.


At 11:56 p.m., Blogger Brian said...

Join the club Josh.....There's plenty of angry customers out there :)

At 12:58 a.m., Blogger Josh said...

It was really kind of funny because the lady behind him worked at the customer service desk for American Airlines. She came up after him and was laughing out loud because she deals with people like that every day and thought it was fun to watch someone that she didn't have to interact with. So she kind of made my day.


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