New Heights and New Places at New Speeds
IOE* is going really well! I've made 4 landings and flown about 15 hours so far.15 hours can take you a long way at 37000 feet- I've gotten an airspeed of Mach .78 and a ground speed of 500 knots. Got to go to NYC and see the Statue of Liberty for the first time yesterday. I'm in Richmond Va now, and I get to see both of the Carolinas for the first time tomorrow! I went to Boston this morning, but we had do run a 30 minute turn, so I didn't have time to into town or see anybody there :( It was fun though, I got to land on the fast plane runway (4R) instead of the slow runway (4L) like we used to with Big Sky. We've had loads ranging from 26 to 50 people on every trip, but I haven't recognized anybody I know yet.
That is my life for now. Still haven't found out exactly what is going to happen to me when I get done on Friday, and my cell is down to two bars, so I only turn it on to check messages twice or thrice a day.
*Initial Operating Experience
500 kts groundspeed? Cool! I've hit 200 with a very stiff tailwind, and that was pretty nice. I'm attempting to imagine doing 500, and failing. :P
Glad to see everything's going well!
It's really not that exciting, until the autopilot fails.
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