The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.



Got to fly out of Cincinnati for the first time today! The three ground radio frequencies (plus two company freqs) are a little confusing on the first go of things, but the flying is really sweet. Went to Jackson TN and Cape Guirado (sp?) Hey I know how to fly, not spell! Anyway, when I got back I just missed a flight into Indy, so now I'm just sitting around waiting for the next one.

The coolest thing in sports happened today as Pete Sampras beat Roger Federer after five years in retirement! He has some pretty amazing tennis skills.


At 4:30 p.m., Blogger Isaac said...

It'd be interesting for me to fly into CVG. Quite interesting. Heh. As a student pilot, I don't believe I'm legally allowed to, so I'd get to meet people from the FAA that are there to help! :P

At 8:13 a.m., Blogger Joshua said...

If you got a sign-off from your instructor you could go in, but I doubt you want to mess with all that traffic till you get some more practice.


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