Summer Days
I had a nice post but my computer crashed and bloggers recover post thing dosen't work. SOOO here we go again. Ross is so cool~ took me out to eat in celebration of my Instrument. Had my last 7:30 this morning, then I got a library card for the W. Laf library. Easiest place to get a card. And they have one for your key ring too. So I sent some scholarship requests and started thinking about what I need to do this summer. Here's my list so far:
Run mornings (6 to 7) with Caleb?
Work mornings (after 7 to 12)
Finish TMS and Romans 15 (12 to 1) and maybe eat, maybe start work on Romans 16
Work evenings (1 to 9:30)
Play soccer and tennis and maybe take Stacey and/or Nicole to ritters or someplace like that (9:30 to 10:30)
Study my 727 systems, KingAir, and Seminole manuals (10:30 to 11:30)
Read Ryle's Practical Religion and some other good book (11:30 to 12:30)
Devotions and prayer (12:30 to 2)
Catch up on sleep (2 to 5:55)
That looks like a good schedule. Everything is manditory except for the play sports part. (I just thought I might want to have a little fun) But since studies have proven that I can go for whole days without sleep, I can always squeeze some more stuff in my last slot there.
But now I am going to bed.
And I am taking my Commercial oral exam guide with me.
Goodness! Some people never sleep! Isn't that what breaks are for?
Even psalm 127 says "Tis vain for you to rise betimes, or late from rest to keep, to eat the bread of toil; for so He gives His loved ones sleep."
Hey I liked the Ritters part!!! Now all we have to do is figure out how to fit some mountain biking into that schedule. :)
I might be able to skip running one morning so we could do a bike trip from 2 to 7. It's not very long, but still long enought to get me fatally injured.
I don't know if we should let Josh mountain bike.... he's kind of nice in one piece. lol
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