The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


Summer Days

are almost gone. I leave for school in less than a week. It's a good time to look back over my break and ask myself what I accomplished with it. Did I achieve all the goals I had set out to go for this summer? I think I did a lot of what I was hoping to do. I got a job and tried to save up some money for rent and such. (Of course I ended up blowing it all on my airplane rental.) One of the biggest disappointments of the summer though, was that I never got to go mountain biking with Stacey. :( We've been loving the sport for years now, but haven't ridden together yet. It didn't really help any that my bike was stolen either. Oh well, maybe next year, if God see fit to give us that much time. I'm sorry if you were looking for an upbeat post right now, but the prospect of leaving my family, food, and friends behind once again has me in kind of a melancholy mood so I can't really help it. My managers all say they are sorry to see me leave. That might be a good thing because that means they will probably want me back next summer.


At 10:43 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I guess since your leaving your friends behind then I must not be one of your friends.... Oh well, once you get up here we can have a "we miss family, food and friends and are generally melancholy" party. It won't be so bad once the semester starts though. There's nothing like being busy to break up a melancholy party. lol see you soon.

At 12:27 a.m., Blogger Josh said...

hahaha, wow, you're great ross.


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