The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.



The rehab program I am on is kind of painful. But I just think of Mrs. Long sitting at home and then it's not so bad. I finally got permission to fly from my AME (Air Medical Examiner) so now I need to start renting planes. If any of you have an extra line at the end of your prayers, could you ask for nice weather for me? Thanks. I had a day off today so I worked on mudding Stacey's room. I lost a lot of skill from not mudding for a year. Might also be that I can only use my left hand. I decided that mudding is not my calling. Sanding I can do, but my hands aren't steady enough to mud. Well, I got to go do some more therapy. Hang in there Mrs. Long.


At 7:27 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

at the risk of sounding completely insensitively oblivious, what is wrong with Mrs. Long?

At 10:06 p.m., Blogger Josh said...

She is past deadline on having a baby.

At 10:39 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooohh, THAT Mrs Long! (I know too many) Yes, I knew she was due sometime right around now. Let me know what she has when she has it.


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