Woo Hoo for warmth!
It's so great that it's getting warm! My heater is only kicking on in the nights now. My electric bill has dropped from $100 to $36, and that was only with a few warm days. Before long I hope to be at -$25 so I can have all my electric paying for itself.
It was snowing in LaGuardia this morning. I'm hoping it was the last time we had to deice before November.
I just found some cool stuff that goggle is putting out. They are making a delayed sending program for email so you can cancel if you send a message too early and decide that it needs more editing. They already have something where it will require you to answer some math problems before you send your message so you will be less enabled to send junk if you are temporarily thinking impaired. Bunch of cool junk~ check out the labs tab under settings.
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