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Laundry Excitement

My indoctrination test got pushed back to Thursday. We covered eight chapters of the FOM today, but we couldn't quite make it through. After we got out at 5:30, I had a quick snack and bumped my laundry all the way down the hill to the nearest laundrymat. The inn next to mine has machines for a buck apiece, and I was like "I am so not paying that much!" I was quite surprised to find washers costing $1.75 at the bottom of the hill. Fortunately I was able to contain my suprise and refrained from throwing dirty clothes all over. I merely stumbled the mile home in a daze and fed my quarters to the machine in the inn. Ahh well, I can be like Dilbert and just tell myself that it's not so bad.

Oop. time to study now. Later Y'all


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