The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.



Greetings from outer Montana! Life out here is pretty crazy, with classes going from 8:30-5:30, and then homework (12 page essay, short answer) memory items, checklists and flows, and assigned reading to work on until I get to bed. I really should be studying right now, but I found this computer in the lobby of the Inn down the hill from me and decided to give you all an update after I got a little caught up on my email.

In classes we have been reading through the FOM (flight operations manual) and explaining every rule and procedure. I think the most difficult ones are the flight and duty times regulations and the driftdown rules and procedure. Driftdown wasn't really to bad, it was just pretty new to me.

Well I must get back to my emergency memory items now.

Condition lever............................Fuel Cutoff
Firewall fuel valve......................Pull Closed
Fire extinguisher (if required).......Actuate


At 12:50 p.m., Blogger Shawn said...

Whoa, that's pretty busy. Do you mean that the homework is 12 pages of essay and short answer questions or that you have to write a 12-page essay and answer short-answer questions?

Looking forward to more updates on the training life! (the more the better, I get to look forward to it in August!)


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