The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.



I was riding to my 7:30 class this morning when I felt some movement on my arm. I looked down and and was supprised to see a spider pretending like a clingon. Well, I like to pretend like I'm a nice guy so I let him hang on and enjoy the ride. So it was all good. I wanted him to start building a web like I had one do once before. But, much to my disappointment, a little later I felt a sharp pain under my arm. I thought "THE LITTLE BUGGER JUST BIT ME!" Sure enough, when I looked down, there he was, hanging with his grubbly little fangs to my left bicept. "WELL OF ALL THE UNGRATEFUL LITTLE WRETCHES!" Here I was giving him a free ride and THIS is how he repays me? Right then and there I decided that I had had enough of him. So I smashed his guts and cast him aside like chaff before the wind. Spider bites hurt. A lot. I got to class and there was this huge welt on my arm. It's gone down quite a bit now, so I think I won't die, but if I act really strange, and you find bits of spiderweb in my room, you should probably stay away from me cause I will be attracting lots of goblins and octipi who will want to kill me and all my friends. OK I'm going to go climb on the walls now.
peace out


At 10:13 a.m., Blogger Steve said...

Dude, just use your power for good.


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