The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


My body reacted to the spring

and switched to the "it should be warm by now" mode, so when a cold front came back through I was freeeeezing. Like wearing my super-parka or two shirts+two sweaters in the house cold. But another warm front came up last night so I should be back to normal for a couple days. I'm going to plead and beg for the days in May that I want to be free, so if you want a reservation on my schedule just shoot me an email. I will be going to Indy early in the month because I need to get my medical renewed.

A while back I was at Kroger and they had a bag of sliced french bread on the clearance rack so I got it. I experimented with it to see if I could make garlic toast. I tried a couple different methods and one of them worked really well! Bring on the vampires.


At 4:59 p.m., Blogger Isaac said...

Any chance you were flying today? Was in at Dayton shooting some approaches and heard approach talking to a couple Chatauqua guys.

At 12:15 p.m., Blogger C. Bright said...

You have a suuuuper-parka? Does it have a cape?!

And here's my thought on "if you want a reservation on my schedule." Other than the fact that you'd be a penniless pilot (and let's be honest who *needs* pennies anyway??) I'd go for you having the whole month of May off. Why not May and June both for that matter? ;P

Oooor yea. I guess you could always be responsible. And make money. And not die of starvation. whatever.

At 9:45 p.m., Blogger Nicole said...

Well if we can get one day from #47, Caleb's garduation is on May 16, and I'm sure #47 could even come too :)


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