The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


I got a new refigerator today!

It sticks way out into my kitchen, but IT HAS IT'S OWN SEPARATE FREEZER!!!! So I don't have to worry about freezing my veggies anymore. I also don't have to worry about my meat not being totally frozen and turning brown and smelling funny when I open it up to use it.

I also had a funny incident on the way to Bible study this morning. I ran out to my car, slowed down and watched helplessly as my feet slid right out from under me. Went right down on my side. Then, after I got back, I got out of my car, propelled my feet like the roadrunner gearing up for a quick cruise and went right down on my back. Fortunately the only icy patch on the pavement was right next to my car door so driving was much less hazardous.

Went to the library tonight. Was working on my computer and some lady came over and asked me to fix her laptop. I tried, failed, gave her a few suggestions about what to do, and got to listen to her whole life story in exchange. I'm guilty of it too, but it reminded me of an article I read about how most Americans are willing to share way too much information with complete strangers because we are living to fast to settle down and actually develop a relationship with somebody.

Cool pic of the day:
Taken quickly so it's blurry.


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