The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.



I am so glad I am only taking 12 hours this semester. If I wasn't I would be totally swamped right now. I am only posting because I can do it while I listen to my ATC lecture online. It's really crazy but I have the potential to be hired by Big Sky Airlines and fly some 19 seat turboprops by July. So I am putting in an application with them and a couple other Airlines that probably won't hire me because the are not as desperate for pilots. Ok I've gotta run. Enjoy the weather before it drops to really cold on a scale of zero to hot.


At 1:49 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you think Big Sky is desperate for you? What's up with all the cockiness in youth these days? Good luck with your interview Josh Bright. I will be "desperately" awaiting your application.

At 8:56 a.m., Blogger Josh said...

Hey now, I didn't say they were desperate for me. I just think that they have the biggest demand in the pilot market right now, considering the fact that they just took two of my classmates with the same training and experiance as myself.

Are you from Big Sky? Cause if your wording isn't just pulling my leg, it would be super cool to have the chance to fly for you.


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