The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


Arrr Avast!

Alright me hearties, prepare to be boarded, for tis talk like a pirate day today! I set a new record for the airport run this morning. Good ol Marlin & Dory hoisted the main sail and came avast the dock in 10:09, beating their previous record by 22 seconds and clinching their spot as the fastest schooner within 100 leagues. One of me classes was canceled because me Cap'in took sick and ported off to the infirmary. So now I has some time to work on fillin a treasure chest for the Crisis Pregnancy Center. If youse keen spare some dubblins, or pieces of eight, or any other form of monetary compensation, I'd be greatly obliged if ye headed to sea and pitched them in the pot.

>>>>>> Head to Sea Here <<<<<<


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