The most engaging life I've ever had

exciting, fun, a little intimidating, definitely worth it.


Fireside Chat

was great! Stacey came up (finally). And Pastor Long continued his discussion on Philippians. The worship today was great also. With a Sermon on "He must increase, I must decrease" (very challenging) in the morning and a continued studay of Proverbs (4:1-9) in the evening. I realized again how much I enjoy car rides. It was when Stacey took me to work every day before I got my liscense that we really started to connect in a true friendship (instead of I-have-to-be-nice-to-you-because-you-are-my-sister kind of thing). Anyway I gave somebody a ride to the fireside chat and we had a really cool conversation about the future and what was going on in our lives. (DON'T get any ideas. It was a guy; I just don't have permission to use his name.)


At 11:13 p.m., Blogger Eric S. Filson said...

I must agree, Josh, I have had some of the best conversations with people in moving vehicles. I have taken many a trip out north, west, east, and yes, even south with many people and have found the time to be wonderful. Long drives by myself are also wonderful times for reflection... man, I love driving! ROAD TRIP!

At 7:51 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Car rides are cool but you don't have to have deep conversations to have great bonding experiences. Burning tires while trying to do doughnuts on a tiny patch of ice Sunday night with Andrew and Ross was pretty cool. Spinning hazerdously near a light post and a mountain of snow was exciting too. Nothing like near death experiences to give people a special bond.

And meeting Stacey was so cool :)


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